I m trying to send a simple string to a serial port to command an instrument for noise measures.
The strings are very easy:
"M 1" = instrument on
"M 2" = instrument off
"M 3" = begin the measure
"M 4" = stop the measure
I ve found this program:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(0) #Seleziona la porta seriale COM4
ser.baudrate = 9600 #Imposta il baudrate a 9600bps
ser.open() #apre la porta com
#verifica se la porta e aperta
if ser.isOpen():
com_num = ser.portstr
print ("Porta " + com_num + " aperta")
#invia il comando alla seriale
buffer = "M 3"
#Loop d attesa caratteri
num = 0
while num == 0:
num = ser.inWaiting()
#scarica il buffer della seriale
buffer = ser.read(num)
print ("Dati ricevuti dalla seriale:")
print buffer
ser.close() #chiude la porta
print ("Porta seriale gia in uso o inesistente")
s = raw_input("digita INVIA per uscire")
The program is ok and I have only some problems with the type of string. In fact I had to insert a carriage return but I can t to do it.
I said that the program is okay because the instrument turn from off to on when I made my first connection, and on video I read "Porta /dev/ttyS= aperta" thet means "open". But this appens for any kind of string I send. In fact this is like an "iniatilization" of the port, not a really communication.
Then I don t manage to send string in the correct way, may be for the problem of carriage return.
I can t open the port, I have an error of Denied Access to the port, this is the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/d.py", line 9, in
ser.open() #apre la porta com
File "C:ProgrammiPython26libsite-packagesserialserialwin32.py", line 53, in open
raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" % (self.portstr, ctypes.WinError()))
serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port COM1: [Error 5] Accesso negato.
Can you help me to:
1. Manage to run the program under windows
2. Manage to give in the exactly way the string with carriage return???
Thak you very much.