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Maven Assembly Problem
  • 时间:2009-11-06 15:10:39
  •  标签:
  • java
  • maven-2

I have a maven multiple-module project, which is giving me headaches in the assembly:assembly phase.

I have a module which has an assembly defined in it which works fine when I invoke mvn assembly:assembly using that pom.

The problems start when I go up one level to the parent pom and invoke assembly:assembly ... everything goes fine until the last step when I get "Reason: Error reading assemblies: No assembly descriptors found." pointing to the parent.pom where I nothing other than a list of the modules in the project.

Any suggestions (I have tried google and general debugging with -e) ?

Thanks Andy


As you didn t provide the answer, here is how you need to attach the assembly creation to the package phase:

        <!-- Create assembly -->
            <!-- Attach the creation of the assembly to the package phase. -->

Ok ... fixed it.

I hadn t tied the assembly plugin to any lifecycle phases. I have now perform the assembly:assembly during the package phase and it all works now.

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