I have two sortable lists, one being nested, with a mouse over effect on the li elements of the nested sortable list. My problem is that the mouseover and mouseout functions are being called inconsistently when a user moves the mouse quickly through the list over the child elements.
Here is a sample of what is happening, you have to drag a pane into the list and then drag 3-4 textbox items into the pane to be able to see the problem. You can see the 2 numbers in the top right are keeping track of the in/out of the mouse. Note I have only tested my site in firefox thus far.
My jquery code:
Here are the mouseover and mouseout functions:
$(".pane > li").live("mouseover", function(){
$(this).children(".test").stop().animate({opacity: 1},400);
$(".pane > li").live("mouseout", function(){
$(this).children(".test").stop().animate({opacity: 0},400);
$(".pane > li > *").live("mouseover", function(event){
$(".pane > li > *").live("mouseout", function(event){
The first sortable list:
var counter = 0;
var height="";
var in1 =0;
var out1=0;
update: function(ev, ui){
if (!ui.item.is( .noChange )){
start: function(event, ui){
if (ui.item.is( .noChange )){
$("#left-form-space").css({ height : height});
$("#left-form-space").animate({height: "75px"}, 600, function(){
$("#left-form-space").css({ height : auto });
stop: function(event, ui){
$item = ui.item;
if ($item.is( .noChange )){
$item.css({ height : 0px });
$item.animate({height: "150px"}, 600, function(){
$item.css({ height : auto });
placeholder: .placeholder-highlight ,
cursor: move ,
revert: true
$("ul, li").disableSelection();
My function for adding the nested sortable lists:
function addNewPane($item){
var newID = "pane_" + counter;
$item.attr("id", newID);
$item.html( ).animate({height: "150px"}, 600, function(){
$item.css({ height : auto });
$item.html( <fieldset class="sortable-pane"><div class="pane-nav"><a href="link/to/recycle/script/when/we/have/js/off" title="Delete this image" class="ui-icon ui-icon-close">Delete image</a></div><ul class="pane"></ul></fieldset> );
$("#" + newID + " > fieldset").hide().fadeIn( slow );
placeholder: ui-state-highlight ,
update: function (event, ui){
if (!ui.item.is( .noChange )){
if (ui.item.is( .textbox )){
$(ui.item).html( <div class="test ui-corner-tl ui-corner-bl">test</div><input class="label" value="First Name:"/><input name="input1" id="input1" type="text" /><div id="spacer"></div> );
if (ui.item.is( .header )){
$(ui.item).html( <div id="element2" class="element header"><h1>Contact Information</h1></div> );
cursor: move ,
revert: true
var newFormHeight = $("#left-form-space").height() + "px";
$item.addClass( noChange );
Thanks for any assistance.