English 中文(简体)
Convert typed-in Text to lowercase

I ve got an index.jsp with


  String name = request.getParameter("name");
  String pass = request.getParameter("pass");
  String globalname = "webeng";
  String globalpass = "2009";
  if (name !=null && pass!=null && name.equals(globalname) && pass.equals(globalpass))
    <hr />
    <p><b>Howdy, <%= request.getParameter("name") %></b></p>
    <hr />
<% }
  else if (name !=null | pass!=null && name.equals("") | pass.equals(""))
    <hr />
    <p><b>Ooops, one or more fields are empty. Please fill everything out!!</b></p>
    <hr />
<% }
  else if (name !=null | pass!=null && !name.equals(globalname) | !pass.equals(globalpass))
    <hr />
    <p><b>Incorrect Userdata!</b></p>
    <hr />
<% }


Now, the globalname for example is in lowercase "webeng". Folks may type in "WebEng", "webENG", "WEBENG" and variations thereof.

I need those typed in Strings converted to lowercase. Somehow

String newname = name.toLowerCase();
String newpass = pass.toLowerCase();

is not working. Anybody got any idea?

This is what Eclipse tells me when I use

      String name = request.getParameter("name");
      String pass = request.getParameter("pass");
      String globalname = "webeng";
      String globalpass = "2009";
      String newname = name.toLowerCase();
      String newpass = pass.toLowerCase();

       if (name !=null && pass!=null && name.equals(globalname) && pass.equals(globalpass))
        <hr />
        <p><b>Howdy, <%= request.getParameter("name") %></b></p>
        <hr />
    <% }
      else if (name !=null | pass!=null && name.equals("") | pass.equals(""))
        <hr />
        <p><b>One or more fields are empty!</b></p>
        <hr />
    <% }
      else if (name !=null && pass!=null && !name.equals(globalname) | !pass.equals(globalpass))
        <hr />
        <p><b>Incorrect Userdata!</b></p>
        <hr />
    <% }

Eclipse: http://i.imagehost.org/0277/2009-11-15_19_34_00.png


Your code logic is odd. Scriptlets also doesn t make testing more easy. Here s an SSCCE in flavor of a real Java class to kickoff and ease testing:

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String user = "WeBeNg"; // Change this as if it is user input.
        String pass = "2009"; // Change this as if it is user input.

        String expectedUser = "webeng";
        String expectedPass = "2009";

        if (user == null || pass == null || user.isEmpty() || pass.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Please enter both username and password.");
        } else if (user.equalsIgnoreCase(expectedUser) && pass.equals(expectedPass)) {
            System.out.println("Welcome " + user);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Unknown login.");


Hope this helps.

Edit #1: please do not post screenshots. Copypaste the exception and stacktrace in code blocks. The exception is by the way not coming from Eclipse. It s coming from Tomcat. Also, the exception in question (NullPointerException) is fairly self-explaining. You accessed an object reference which is actually null.

SomeObject someObject = null;
someObject.doSomething(); // Fails with NPE.
someObject = new SomeObject();
someObject.doSomething(); // Succes.

You need to do a null-check first, e.g.

if (someObject != null) {
    someObject.doSomething(); // Succes.

Edit #2 I also recommend you to learn about operators, operator precedence and expression grouping in Java. See, the following isn t "logical"

if (name !=null | pass!=null && name.equals("") | pass.equals(""))

Here s a good tutorial to start with to learn about this: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/operators.html Good luck.

You can use compareToIgnoreCase and you don t have to do the conversion yourself.

You seem to use | in stead of || . Is that intentional?

Here it is with equalsIgnoreCase. Unless you really don t want to shortcut the or with the | operator it s generally safer to go with ||. I also prefer not to fall through to success as in BalusC s answer, there is something unsettling about the default condition being to "login" the user.

String name = request.getParameter("name");
String pass = request.getParameter("pass");
String globalname = "webeng";
String globalpass = "2009";
if (name ==null || pass==null || name.equals("") || pass.equals("")) {
// You can use StringUtils.isBlank here instead if you have it available to you
<hr />
 <p><b>Ooops, one or more fields are empty. Please fill everything out!!</b></p>
 <hr />
<% } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(globalname) && pass.equalsIgnoreCase(globalpass))
  <hr />
   <p><b>Howdy, <%= request.getParameter("name") %></b></p>
  <hr />
<% } else {
  <hr />
   <p><b>Incorrect Userdata!</b></p>
  <hr />

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