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3D graphs using pChart

Is there a way to draw a 3D Bar Graph using the pChart library in PHP?

I m able to draw a 3D Pie graph but not a line graph.

My code looks as follows

    //The 3D bar graph
    # // Dataset definition   
    $DataSet = new pData;  
   // $DataSet->AddPoint(array(10,40,30,20,30,30,20,10,10,70,40),"Serie1");  
    $DataSet->AddPoint(52,"Serie2","January 2009");
    $DataSet->AddPoint(94,"Serie2","February 2009");
    $DataSet->AddPoint(44,"Serie2","March 2009");
    $DataSet->AddPoint(65,"Serie2","April 2009");
    $DataSet->AddPoint(38,"Serie2","May 2009");
    $DataSet->AddPoint(43,"Serie2","August 2009");
    $DataSet->AddPoint(34,"Serie2","September 2009");

   // $DataSet->SetXAxisUnit("months");  

    // Initialise the graph  
    $Test = new pChart(800,240);
    $Test->loadColorPalette( pChart.1.26e/color/tones-4.txt , , );

    $Test->drawTitle(50,22,"Clicks Per Month",50,50,50,585);  

    // Draw the 0 line  

    //Monthly Target

    // Draw the bar graph  
    // Finish the graph  
   // $Test->drawLegend(596,150,$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),255,255,255);  

?><img src="generated/example12.png" />

youll need a rework for a pChart.class in drawStackedBarGraph or drawBarGraph in actually-draw part:

          $XPos+$SeriesWidth-10, $YBottom,
          $XPos+$SeriesWidth-10, $YPos,
          $XPos+$SeriesWidth-1, $YPos-10,
          $XPos+$SeriesWidth-1, $YBottom-10,
          ), 4, $this->Palette[$ColorID]["R"]+$colorEnh,$this->Palette[$ColorID]["G"]+$colorEnh,$this->Palette[$ColorID]["B"]+$colorEnh);
          $XPos+1, $YPos,
          $XPos+10+1, $YPos-10,
          $XPos+$SeriesWidth-1, $YPos-10,
          $XPos+$SeriesWidth-10-1, $YPos,
          ), 4, $this->Palette[$ColorID]["R"]-$colorEnh,$this->Palette[$ColorID]["G"]-$colorEnh,$this->Palette[$ColorID]["B"]-$colorEnh);

and add some u-func:

function drawFilledPoly($points, $num, $r, $g, $b){
imagefilledpolygon  ($this->Picture ,  $points  , $num ,  $this->AllocateColor($this->Picture,$r,$g,$b));}

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