English 中文(简体)
未界定的符号。 原件:无
原标题:Undefined symbols. ld: symbol not found


bash-3.2$ make
g++ -Wall -g solvePlanningProblem.o Position.o AStarNode.o PRM.o PRMNode.o Worl.o SingleCircleWorld.o Myworld.o RECTANGLE.o CIRCLE.o -o solvePlanningProblem

`Undefined symbols:
  "Obstacle::~Obstacle()", referenced from:
      Myworld::~Myworld()in Myworld.o
      Myworld::~Myworld()in Myworld.o
      Myworld::~Myworld()in Myworld.o
  "RECTANGLE::RECTANGLE()", referenced from:
      Myworld::readObstacles(std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&
in Myworld.o
  "CIRCLE::CIRCLE()", referenced from:
      Myworld::readObstacles(std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&
in Myworld.o
  "typeinfo for Obstacle", referenced from:
      typeinfo for RECTANGLEin RECTANGLE.o
      typeinfo for CIRCLEin CIRCLE.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [solvePlanningProblem] Error 1`

It s such a strange error. Is something wrong with the constructor or destructor? Any advice will help.

After adding {} after all constructors and destructors the error has been reduced to:

Undefined symbols:

  "vtable for Obstacle", referenced from:
      Obstacle::Obstacle()in Myworld.o
  "typeinfo for Obstacle", referenced from:
      typeinfo for RECTANGLEin RECTANGLE.o
      typeinfo for CIRCLEin CIRCLE.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


它是否属于另一个物体档案(perhaps Obstacle.o)? 如果是的话,在物体清单中添加这一点。

它是否应当成为阶级定义中的空洞虚拟脱轨者? 在此情况下,确保你写书面材料。

virtual ~Obstacle() {}


virtual ~Obstacle();


象你这样的人没有执行“主子”栏。 这是界定的。


增 编

~Obstacle() {}


或许是你宣布Der,但却没有执行。 1. 将{}列入档案,或:




你没有图书馆。 或者有一套破碎的工具链(这取决于电动途径)。

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