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SQLiteOpenHelper.getWriteableDatabase() null pointer exception on Android

I ve had fine luck using SQLite with straight, direct SQL in Android, but this is the first time I m wrapping a DB in a ContentProvider. I keep getting a null pointer exception when calling getWritableDatabase() or getReadableDatabase(). Is this just a stupid mistake I ve made with initializations in my code or is there a bigger issue?

public class DatabaseProvider extends ContentProvider {
  private DatabaseHelper                   databaseHelper;
  private SQLiteDatabase                   db;
  public boolean onCreate() {
    databaseHelper = new DatabaseProvider.DatabaseHelper(getContext());
    return (databaseHelper == null) ? false : true;
  public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) {   
    db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); // NULL POINTER EXCEPTION HERE
  private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "cogsurv.db";
    public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

    public static final String[] TABLES = {

    // people._id does not AUTOINCREMENT, because it s set based on server s people.id
    public static final String[] CREATE_TABLE_SQL = {
      "CREATE TABLE people (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + 
                 "server_id INTEGER," +
                 "name VARCHAR(255)," +
                 "email_address VARCHAR(255))",
                                "server_id INTEGER," +
                                "person_local_id INTEGER," +
                                "person_server_id INTEGER," +
                                "start DATE," +
                                "stop DATE," +
                                "type VARCHAR(15)," +
                                "uploaded VARCHAR(1))",
                                 "datetime DATE, " +
                                 "latitude DOUBLE, " +
                                 "longitude DOUBLE, " +
                                 "altitude DOUBLE," +
                                 "speed DOUBLE," +
                                 "accuracy DOUBLE," +
                                 "travel_mode VARCHAR(50), " +
                                 "person_local_id INTEGER," +
                                 "person_server_id INTEGER," +
                                 "travel_log_local_id INTEGER," +
                                 "travel_log_server_id INTEGER," +
                                 "uploaded VARCHAR(1))",
                              "server_id INTEGER," +
                              "name VARCHAR(150)," +
                              "latitude DOUBLE," +
                              "longitude DOUBLE," +
                              "person_local_id INTEGER," +
                              "person_server_id INTEGER," +
                              "uploaded VARCHAR(1))",
                                    "server_id INTEGER," +
                                    "person_local_id INTEGER," +
                                    "person_server_id INTEGER," +
                                    "landmark_local_id INTEGER," +
                                    "landmark_server_id INTEGER," +
                                    "travel_log_local_id INTEGER," +
                                    "travel_log_server_id INTEGER," +
                                    "datetime DATE," +
                                    "number_of_questions_asked INTEGER," +
                                    "uploaded VARCHAR(1))",
      "CREATE TABLE direction_distance_estimates (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," +
                                                 "server_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "person_local_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "person_server_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "travel_log_local_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "travel_log_server_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "landmark_visit_local_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "landmark_visit_server_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "start_landmark_local_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "start_landmark_server_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "target_landmark_local_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "target_landmark_server_id INTEGER," +
                                                 "datetime DATE," +
                                                 "direction_estimate DOUBLE," +
                                                 "distance_estimate DOUBLE," +
                                                 "uploaded VARCHAR(1))"

    public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
      super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
      Log.v(Constants.TAG, "DatabaseHelper()");

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
      Log.v(Constants.TAG, "DatabaseHelper.onCreate() starting");

      // create the tables
      int length = CREATE_TABLE_SQL.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      Log.v(Constants.TAG, "DatabaseHelper.onCreate() finished");

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
      for (String tableName : TABLES) {
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" + tableName);

As always, thanks for the assistance!


Not sure if this detail helps, but here s LogCat showing the exception:

removed dead ImageShack link


Rather than:

databaseHelper = new DatabaseProvider.DatabaseHelper(getContext());


databaseHelper = new DatabaseProvider.DatabaseHelper(this);

and see if that helps.

If it does not, could you post the NullPointerException stack trace?

This error is almost certainly from having an invalid context passed into:

super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

I just had this problem with the SQLite nullpointerexception in a non-activity and the problem was that it had an invalid context.

My fix was passing the context at onCreate instead of the constructor. Try finding a context from another place to do getApplicationContext().

try use getWritableDatabase() in some time after you initial the helper you got NullPointerException cause the database was not prepared completely and don t do that in the ui thread, or it may cause ANR

I just had this problem and realised it was a bit of a red herring.

My issue stemmed from the way I was using the ContentProvider.

I was actually accessing the ContentProvider directly rather than through the ContentResolver. It s essentially an easy way to trip up if your new to using ContentProviders.

Hope that helps :)

Make sure when you re creating the AVD, specify some amount of SD card space. I had the same problem and this solved it. If this doesn t help, you can also try to start the emulator with -wipe-data option.

I got this same NullPointerException error when getReadableDatabase() is getting called inside query() because I was improperly querying my content provider. I can t see anything wrong with the way you are constructing your database. getContext() should give you the appropriate context object. However, I would pay attention to how you are making your queries to the content provider. You should make sure that you have a valid reference to your content resolver (ie. by calling getContentResolver().query(..)) and is using that to perform the query.

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