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Registry key for Install update and hotfix information on windows 7

I am working on windows 7 support. In my application I want to gather installed updates and patches. Currently I am gathering it from WIn32_QuickFixEngineering. But it is not giving information for InstalledSDate , Description.

I need to get this either from registry or API (C++ application). In other operating system like XP, 2k3 registry keys are-

But these are not present on windows 7.

Can any one give thought on this..


I was also trying to figure out where the registry key for "Hotfix" had moved to.

I am setting up a debug symbol server on Windows 7. While I was following instructions from the book Debugging Applications for Microsoft ... Windows (by John Robbins), I was getting the error "Unable to enumerate the hot fix key" from a piece of vbscript code that Mr. Robbins recommends.

I realized that the vbs code is looking for the reg key SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionHotFix, which is not present on Windows 7.

While searching for a substitute key (or any other alternative), I found some helpful information here: http://forums.cnet.com/5208-12546_102-0.html?threadID=327588

The command shown on that cnet forum was a viable substitute in my case:

wmic qfe list full

shown at the cmd.exe prompt:

C:UsersAll Users>wmic qfe list full

Not sure if this is your issue: InstallOn properties for QFEs are sometimes stored as 64-bit, hexdecimal timestamps. To use this as a date: Check first whether it is a hexadecimal value. If not, it is likely a regular date value. Then, (in C#) use this to convert it to a DateTime: DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc( Int64.Parse(<InstallOn>, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier));

try looking here:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionComponent Based ServicingPackages]

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