If you have an AppController like so..
Class AppController extends Controller {
public $uses = array( GlobalModel );
And you use an empty array...
Class StoresController extends AppController {
public $uses = array( );
Then the StoresController will still have access to the GlobalModel from the AppController
If you use
Class StoresController extends AppController {
public $uses = ;
Then the StoresController won t have access to ANY models.
A good amount of the time when someone wants a controller without a model, it is because they don t want to associate the controller with a database table. But for the purposes of making validation easier on submitted data etc what you might want to consider is
Class StoresController extends AppModel {
public $name = "Stores";
public $uses = array( Store );
Class Store extends AppModel {
public $name = "Store";
public $useTable = false;
Then you can use the Model::_schema property. That is more than you asked for though, so I will let you do your own research on _schema and validating data that won t be handled by a DB table.