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reusing socket channels
  • 时间:2009-11-11 21:42:20
  •  标签:
  • java
  • nio

im trying to implement a client app with an asynchronous connection. i want to know if i can reuse a SocketChannel object after it has failed to connect to a server.

    SocketChannel channel = SocketChannel.open();
    InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);
    SelectionKey key = channel.register(select, SelectionKey.OP_READ, connection);

after this is the select loop, my socket eventually gets selected because the connection failed. i would like to queue another connection attempt on that channel, and nothing i do seems to do it. the channel.isConnectionPending() method always returns true (even if i try to finishConnect)

is the only solution do get rid of this SocketChannel and create a new one?


Sun has released the Java 6.0 sources under the GPL. "Read the source Luke"

And my reading of the code is that you cannot call connect a second time.


Hmmm... I m no NIO expert but something looks fishy. You are registering for OP_ACCEPT, which occurs when a listening channel receives an incoming connection -- however, you re using the channel for an outgoing connection.

You should post more of the code, including the select loop.

Try it and see?

I m not 100% sure, but I suspect you can once finishConnect has been called and returned or an exception from it thrown it may be ok.

Put a try/catch block around the connect and when the exception is caught you may be safe to call the channel.connect method again.

If it doesn t work then the answer is probably no.

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