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Create an Eclipse project on the command line?

I would like to have a shell script create an entire CDT project on the command line and add it to a workspace. I m willing to generate the .project and .cproject files myself, but I d like something that would actually do the adding of the project to the workspace, because that is an opaque binary file that I d rather not have to mess with.

I looked at both Buckminster and the Monkey Project, but I wasn t sure if either would do what I wanted. Anyone have any experience on this front and know what a good solution is?




What version of CDT are you using?

If you have the recent CDT 6+ installed, you can perform a project import (as well as build), from the command line. To do this:

eclipse -nosplash 
    -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild 
    -import {[uri:/]/path/to/project} 
    -build {project_name | all} 
    -cleanBuild {projec_name | all}

The import switch can be used by itself. You ll need to specify the workspace you wish to import into with -data as normal to Eclipse. The switches illustrated above are provided by the CDT managedbuild plugin, but should work with non-CDT projects (if not, let me know -- I wrote the feature ;) ).

See this question on headless build for more details on the other switches.

I believe all you need is to do is create a folder here:


and a .location file in it.

You can either use the Eclipse Resources API, or try to implement it yourself based on the current implementation

I don t know if there s an easiest way

This page contains also some convenience script: http://lugendal.wordpress.com/2009/07/22/eclipse-ctd-new-project-fast/

There is a ant+groovy script in a different post, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/16949573/2457383

Disclaimer: The other post is also mine :)

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