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MySQL Users and All Privileges

Ok, I m trying to add a user to a MySQL database. This user should be able to add other users to the database it has privileges for. So I did this:

GRANT ALL privileges ON thedbname.* TO  topuser @ %  IDENTIFIED BY  pass ;

However, I this user cannot add users. Is that because I only gave them all for a single database? The permissions show up as N when I view them whereas if I remove the database name they show as Y .

I want topuser to be able to run this:

GRANT SELECT ON thedbname.* TO  seconduser @ %  IDENTIFIED BY  pass ;

They do not need to add users to other databases, hence my attempts here.

This is for a web app where users provide a username and password to access a database so that a password is not stored in the code. Other solutions welcomed though!


You have to GRANT the "grant to other privilege". The manual of the GRANT is available here.

MySQL to include only basic privileges in the ALL, if you take a close look at the documentation it says all is :

Grant all privileges at specified access level except GRANT OPTION

so you should grant the "grant option" to your top user :

GRANT GRANT OPTION ON thedbname.* TO  topuser @ %  IDENTIFIED BY  pass ;
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user LIKE  admin ;
INSERT INTO mysql.user (host, user, password) VALUES ( localhost ,  admin ,  portal01 );
INSERT INTO mysql.user (host, user, password) VALUES ( % ,  admin ,  portal01 );
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO  admin @ localhost  IDENTIFIED BY  portal01  WITH GRANT OPTION;sudo 
SELECT * FROM mysql.user ORDER BY user;

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