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Linq to SQL nvarchar problem

I have discovered a huge performance problem in Linq to SQL.

When selecting from a table using strings, the parameters passed to sql server are always nvarchar, even when the sql table is a varchar. This results in table scans instead of seeks, a massive performance issue.

var q = (
   from a in tbl
   where a.index == "TEST"
   select a)

var qa = q.ToArray();

The parameter is passed through as a nvarchar, which results in the entire index being converted from varchar to nvarchar before being used.

If the parameter is a varchar it s a very fast seek.

Is there any way to override or change this?

Thanks Regards Craig.


Hmmm. This was a known bug with pre-RTM builds of LINQ-to-SQL, but from what I read online this was a fixed problem for equality comparisons in RTM (although still broken for Contains() comparisons).

Regardless, here s a thread on MSDN forums with some workarounds detailed: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/linqtosql/thread/4276ecd2-31ff-4cd0-82ea-7a22ce25308b

The workaround I like most is this one:

//define a query
IQueryable<Employee> emps = from emp in dc2.Employees where emp.NationalIDNumber == "abc" select emp;

//get hold of the SQL command translation of the query...
System.Data.Common.DbCommand command = dc2.GetCommand(emps);

//change param type from "string" (nvarchar) to "ansistring" (varchar)
command.Parameters[0].DbType = DbType.AnsiString; 
command.Connection = dc2.Connection;

IEnumerable<Employee> emps2 = dc2.Translate<Employee>(command.ExecuteReader());

BTW, another case I saw this happening was in a table with odd distribution of values (e.g. 50% of table had the same value) meaning that, given the parameter is unknown to SQL Server at plan compilation time, a table scan was the best plan available. If your distribution is also unusual, then the workarounds above won t work, since the scan won t be coming from the missing conversion but rather from the parameterization itself. In that case, the only workaround I d know would be to use an OPTIMIZE FOR hint and manually specify the SQL.

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