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Can t access property generated by a script in an imported ANT target

What I m trying to do is compile to a file which takes it s version from a constant inside my source files.

I have a setup like this (or at least the significant bits):


<project name="Compile">
    <target name="check.version">
        <script language="javascript">
            regex = /VERSION.+?"([d.]+)";/;
            r = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.FileReader(new java.io.File(file)));
            line = r.readLine();
            while ( (line = r.readLine()) != null) {
                m = regex.exec(line);
                if (m) {
                    project.setProperty( "project.version" , m[1] );
        <echo>${ant.project.name}-${project.version}</echo> <!-- = Fail-0.2 -->

And a build.xml:

<project name="Fail"> 
    <import file="${basedir}/build/tasks/compile.xml"/>

    <target name="test">
        <antcall target="check.version">
            <param name="file" value="${basedir}/Source.as"/>
        <echo>${project.version}</echo> <!-- = ${project.version} -->

So, it seems that the property set by the script is only locally defined in that target, if i specify another target in the same project ("Compile") it won t know of that property either.

I ve also tried to set a in the "Compile"-project xml but it won t be overwritten by the target anyway.

So how can I access that property generated by the script? Or is there another way for doing something like this?

I d really like to keep that part in a separate xml as it makes the project build script so much cleaner.



If you call the other target via antcall, properties set within it won t be in the scope of the caller.

If you need to access properties set by another target, you could declare that target as a dependency to ensure that it gets executed before your target. Like this:

<target name="test" depends="check.version">
    <echo>${project.version}</echo> <!-- = value set in check.version -->

Edit: There s also the AntCallBack task which is available from Ant-Contrib and Antelope:

AntCallBack is identical to the standard antcall task, except that it allows properties set in the called target to be available in the calling target.



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