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@IdClass with non primative @Id

I m trying to add a composite primary key to a class and having a bit of trouble. Here are the classes.

class User {
    private long id;

class Token {
    private User user;
    private String series;

I m using the orm.xml to map the classes because they re actually part of a higher level API that I don t want to depend on JPA - it has a number of implementations.

Here it is:

<entity class="User">
        <id name="id">
            <generated-value strategy="AUTO"/>

<entity class="Token">
    <id-class class="TokenPK"/>
        <id name="series"/>
        <id name="user"/>
        <many-to-one name="user"/>

Finally to make it all work, I ve created the TokenPK class and it looks like this:

public class TokenPK implements Serializable {

    private String series;
    private User user;

    public TokenPK() {

    public TokenPK(String series, User user) {
        this.series = series;
        this.user = user;

    public String getSeries() {
        return series;

    public void setSeries(String series) {
        this.series = series;

    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public void setUser(User user) {
        this.user = user;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

        RememberMeTokenPK that = (TokenPK) o;

        if (!series.equals(that.series)) return false;
        if (!user.equals(that.user)) return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result = series.hashCode();
        result = 31 * result + user.hashCode();
        return result;

The problem I m having is that Hibernate is complaning that it can t create the mysql tables because BLOB/TEXT column user used in key specification without a key length .

My issue is actually that the columns are being stored as BLOBs in the first place. Until I put the id-class in it was working just fine, user was linked via it s id. How can I make Hibernate use the long value for the user s id it was using as the primary key?

Updated orm.xml:

<entity class="Token">
    <id-class class="TokenPK"/>
        <id name="series"/>
        <id name="user">
            <column name="userId"/>
        <many-to-one name="user">
            <join-column name="userId" insertable="false" updatable="false"/>

Define the composite key with String series and int userId, and specify a join-column id for the User in Token. I think you will also have to add insertable="false", updatable="false".

 <composite-id name="TikenPK" class="yourpackage.TokenPK"> 
        <key-property name="series" column="series" type="string" />
        <key-property name="userId" column="userId" type="integer"/>


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