I was wondering if anyone was aware of an example that shows multiple listeners to the YUI DDProxy, DD, or DDTarget onDragDrop event. Currently I have a hacked up example going. I m using the http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/datatable/dt_ddrows.html >DataTable Reorder Rows example. I ve modified it into several js classes. One object they override DDProxy for handles the onDragDrop event but it seems that if it s handled here then nothing else catches the event. Check the snip:
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.example.DDRows, YAHOO.util.DDProxy, {
onDragDrop: function(e, id) {
if (id == "right-function-pane") {
alert("In the right drop place");
In a class that does the creation of DDRows, I want to listen to the event here as well. Some actions are more appropriate in some places. I want to listen to the event in both places. Here s what I m doing in class that builds the above:
onDropHandler: function(e, id) {
rowInitializer: function() {
var i, id, myDDRow,
allRows = DragDropTable.myDataTable.getTbodyEl().rows;
for (i = 0; i < allRows.length; i++) {
id = allRows[i].id;
// Clean up any existing Drag instances
if (DragDropTable.myDTDrags[id]) {
delete DragDropTable.myDTDrags[id];
// Create a Drag instance for each row
myDDRow = new YAHOO.example.DDRows(id);
myDDRow.srcData = DragDropTable.myDataTable.getRecord(id).getData();
myDDRow.onDragDrop = DragDropTable.onDropHandler;
DragDropTable.myDTDrags[id] = myDDRow;
It seems like if one is listening the other isn t working. I haven t found the syntax for allowing events to continue to bubble or to have multiple subscriptions to onDragDrop. Does anyone have the correct syntax?
Thanks Josh Robinson