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How do I anchor an expander to right side of a ListBox?

The XAML code below works fine except I want the expander button to be between the listbox and the grid. If I set the ExpandDirection="Left" the button is between the listbox and the grid but the direction indicator on the button is confusing to users - it point to the right when expanded and it points to the left when it is not expanded. I want the direction indicator to work the way it does when ExpandDirection="Right" but I want the functionality of ExpandDirection="Left".

    <Expander ExpandDirection="Right">
            <ListBoxItem>Item One</ListBoxItem>
            <ListBoxItem>Item Two</ListBoxItem>
            <ListBoxItem>Item Three</ListBoxItem>
            <ListBoxItem>Item Four</ListBoxItem>
            <ListBoxItem>Item Five</ListBoxItem>
        <Grid Background="AliceBlue">
          <TextBlock >
            Other Content

Use Expression Blend, edit a copy of the current template for the Expander, go to XAML for the template, rename "ExpanderLeftHeaderStyle" to "ExpanderRightHeaderStyle" and "ExpanderRightHeaderStyle" to "ExpanderLeftHeaderStyle".


I prefer to use a DockedExpander class I wrote a while back (the code is included below). This class automatically sets itself up for whatever side of a DockPanel it is docked on.

For example, in:

  <edf:DockedExpander DockPanel.Dock="Left">
    <ListBox ...

  <Grid ...


The expander will open from the left, with the button facing the right way. But changing it to:

  <edf:DockedExpander DockPanel.Dock="Right">

will automatically adjust the rest of the expander to match. Same with "Top" and "Bottom" docking.

I implemented DockedExpander because the thought of copying several hundred lines of WPF s internal code into my project was abhorrent to me. Also, my DockedExpander control automatically adapts to new theme styles because it reads WPF s internal styles.

Here is the code for the DockedExpander class:

public class DockedExpander : Expander
  static DockedExpander()
    _directions = new Dictionary<Dock, DirectionData>();
    _directions[Dock.Left]   = new DirectionData { Reverse = Dock.Right,  ExpandDirection = ExpandDirection.Right };
    _directions[Dock.Right]  = new DirectionData { Reverse = Dock.Left,   ExpandDirection = ExpandDirection.Left  };
    _directions[Dock.Top]    = new DirectionData { Reverse = Dock.Bottom, ExpandDirection = ExpandDirection.Down  };
    _directions[Dock.Bottom] = new DirectionData { Reverse = Dock.Top,    ExpandDirection = ExpandDirection.Up    };

    DockPanel.DockProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(DockedExpander), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata
      PropertyChangedCallback = (obj, e) => ((DockedExpander)obj).UpdateExpandDirection()

    ExpandDirectionProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(DockedExpander), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata
      PropertyChangedCallback = (obj, e) => { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set ExpandDirection because DockedExpander always computes its ExpandDirection from the DockPanel.Dock property"); }

  public override void OnApplyTemplate()

  private void UpdateExpandDirection()
    // Can t use GetTemplateChild because non-PART_ names are not guaranteed to stay the same
    var dockPanel = FindTwoElementDockPanelUnder(this);
    var headerSite = dockPanel.Children[0];
    var expandSite = dockPanel.Children[1];

    // Compute the docking
    Dock myDock = DockPanel.GetDock(this);
    DirectionData myDockData = _directions[myDock];

    DockPanel.SetDock(headerSite, myDockData.Reverse);
    DockPanel.SetDock(expandSite, myDock);
    headerSite.SetValue(FrameworkElement.StyleProperty, myDockData.HeaderSiteStyle);

  private static Dictionary<Dock, DirectionData> _directions;
  private class DirectionData
    public Dock Reverse;
    public ExpandDirection ExpandDirection;
    public Style HeaderSiteStyle
          var expander = new Expander { ExpandDirection = this.ExpandDirection };
          expander.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
          var headerSite = FindTwoElementDockPanelUnder(expander).Children[0];
          _headerSiteStyle = ((FrameworkElement)headerSite).Style;
        return _headerSiteStyle;
    private Style _headerSiteStyle;

  private static DockPanel FindTwoElementDockPanelUnder(DependencyObject visual)
        case 1: visual = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(visual, 0); continue;
        case 2: return visual as DockPanel;
        default: return null;

As usual, you need a namespace declaration (xmlns) in your XAML to be able to use a custom control.

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