English 中文(简体)
配置JMX 甲型六氯环己烷
原标题:Calling JMX MBean method from a shell script

是否有任何图书馆允许我用手稿打上JMX MBean方法。 我们通过JMX揭露了一些行动/行政指挥,我们的行政可以使用JConsole或视觉控制器,但有些任务最好留给自动化处理。 在这种自动化中,我们想能够在我们的运行服务器上使用一种JMX MBean方法,最好是用手稿。



  1. jmxterm - seems to be the most fully featured utility.
  2. cmdline-jmxclient - used in the WebArchive project seems very bare bones (and no development since 2006 it looks like)
  3. Groovy script and JMX - provides some really powerful JMX functionality but requires groovy and other library setup.
  4. JManage command line functionality - (downside is that it requires a running JManage server to proxy commands through)

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Groovy JMX Example:

import java.lang.management.*
import javax.management.ObjectName
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory as JmxFactory
import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL as JmxUrl

def serverUrl =  service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9003/jmxrmi 
String beanName = "com.webwars.gameplatform.data:type=udmdataloadsystem,id=0"
def server = JmxFactory.connect(new JmxUrl(serverUrl)).MBeanServerConnection
def dataSystem = new GroovyMBean(server, beanName)

println "Connected to:

println "Executing jmxForceRefresh()"

<<>strong>cmdline-jmxclient example:


  • MBean: com.company.data:type=datasystem,id=0


  • jmxForceRefresh()

然后,你可以写一个简单的印本(假设你下载cmdline-jmxclient-0.10.3.jar。 并列入与你的文字相同的目录:



#No User and password so pass  - 
echo "Available Operations for com.company.data:type=datasystem,id=0"
java -jar ${cmdLineJMXJar} ${user}:${password} ${jmxHost}:${port} com.company.data:type=datasystem,id=0

echo "Executing XML update..."
java -jar ${cmdLineJMXJar} - ${jmxHost}:${port} com.company.data:type=datasystem,id=0 jmxForceRefresh

I ve开发了jmxfuse,暴露了JMX Mbeans作为CFCUSE文档系统,其功能与/proc f相似。 它依靠Jolokia作为通往JMX的桥梁。 供款和业务可读写。

http://code.google.com/p/jmxfuse/"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>http://code.google.com/p/jmxfuse/


me@oddjob:jmx$ cd log4j/root/attributes
me@oddjob:jmx$ cat priority

a. 说明:

me@oddjob:jmx$ echo "WARN" > priority


me@oddjob:jmx$ cd Catalina/none/none/WebModule/localhost/helloworld/operations/addParameter
me@oddjob:jmx$ echo "myParam myValue" > invoke

Syabru Nagios JMX plugin 意在从Nagios处使用,但确实需要Nagios,而且非常方便地用于指挥线:

~$ ./check_jmx -U service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/JMXConnector --username myuser --password mypass -O java.lang:type=Memory -A HeapMemoryUsage -K used 
JMX OK - HeapMemoryUsage.used = 445012360 |  HeapMemoryUsage used =445012360;;;;

可能最容易在 Java撰写。

import javax.management.*;
import javax.management.remote.*;

public class JmxInvoke {

    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new JMXServiceURL(args[0]))
            .getMBeanServerConnection().invoke(new ObjectName(args[1]), args[2], new Object[]{}, new String[]{});    



会 议

javac JmxInvoke.java
java -cp . JmxInvoke [url] [beanName] [method]

风险不大,但你可以操作一种带有从JMX console、URL和http://www.un.org/Depts/dp.pdf中得出的价值(如果需要的话):

curl -s -X POST --user  myuser:mypass 
  --data "action=invokeOp&name=App:service=ThisServiceOp&methodIndex=3&arg0=value1&arg1=value1&submit=Invoke"

Beware: 方法指数可能会随着软件的变化而变化。 而网络形式的实施也会发生变化。




form method="post" action="HtmlAdaptor">
   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="invokeOp">
   <input type="hidden" name="name" value="App:service=ThisServiceOp">
   <input type="hidden" name="methodIndex" value="3">
   <hr align= left  width= 80 >
   <h4>void ThisOperation()</h4>
   <p>Operation exposed for management</p>
    <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1">
        <tr class="OperationHeader">
            <input type="text" name="arg0">
         <td>(no description)</td>
            <input type="text" name="arg1">
         <td>(no description)</td>
    <input type="submit" value="Invoke">

http://www.jmx4perl.org“rel=“nofollow noreferer”>jmx4perl。 它为远洋的Java E服务器的甲基溴提供无缝通道。 然而,需要在目标平台上安装一个小型代理服务器,该平台通过吉斯人有效载荷的吉卜赛人空中交通管制处提供其余的JMX准入。 (0.50欧元通过采用JSR-160代理方式增加无代理模式。)

较之当地启动 j和轻松使用,优势是快速启动时间。 jmx4perl有一整套可轻易用在您自己的文字上的每个模块:

use JMX::Jmx4Perl;
use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Alias;   # Import certains aliases for MBeans

print "Memory Used: ",
          ->new(url => "http://localhost:8080/j4p")

You can also use alias for common MBean/Attribute/Operation combos (e.g. for most MXBeans). For additional features (Nagios-Plugin, XPath-like access to complex attribute types, ...), please refer to the documentation of jmx4perl.

查阅JManage。 它能够执行甲基溴方法,并从command Line 获取/。

@Dougnukem回答帮助我做了很多工作。 我采用了格罗维尼办法(采用2.3.3格罗夫办法)。

I did some changes on Dougnukem code. This will work with Java 7 and will print two attributes to stdout every 10 sec.

        package com.my.company.jmx
        import groovy.util.GroovyMBean;
        import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL
        import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory
        import java.lang.management.*

            class Monitor {
                static main(args) {
                    def serverUrl =  service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:5019/jmxrmi 
                    String beanName = "Catalina:type=DataSource,class=javax.sql.DataSource,name="jdbc/CommonDB""
                    println  "numIdle,numActive"

                        def server = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new JMXServiceURL(serverUrl))
                       //make sure to reconnect in case the jvm was restrated 
                        GroovyMBean mbean = new GroovyMBean(server.MBeanServerConnection, beanName)
                        println  "${mbean.numIdle},${mbean.numActive}"


Compile this code into a jar using maven-compiler-plugin so you will not require groovy installation only the groovy-all.jar . Below is the relevant plugin definition and dependency.



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