So I have the following code which is doing a setInterval until the iframe is available to be written to.
$( #testdiv ).append( $( <iframe id="testiframe"/> ) );
var t = setInterval(function(){
if(document.getElementById( testiframe ) !== undefined ){
$( #testiframe ).contents().find( body ).append( asd );
}, 15);
Basically what happens is that jQuery creates the iframe element and loads it into the DOM. However, the iframe isn t available immediately so additional jQuery calls that are coded to happen right afterwords. With this chunk of code, it does a simple interval check until the new iframe is available, then writes asd to its contents.
I ve spent about an hour trying out different methods of chaining methods to the iframe creation, but nothing really works. It all seems a matter of timing. I tried $( #testiframe ).live( load ,function(){}); and that doesn t work at all.
So does anyone have a cleaner recommendation on this?