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Unwanted vertical space after Flash object

See the code below:

<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>  
<div>Consectetur adipiscing elit</div>

Viewing it in either Gecko, Webkit or Presto, an unintentional vertical space occurs after the object, before the second div (see http://jooadam.hu/object). Removing whitespace from between tags, or explicitly setting margin and padding does not help.

Any help would be appreciated.


In the meantime someone answered my question on another forum. Objects, like images are inline-block elements; setting display: block on object solves the problem.

<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>
<object width="965" height="120">
    <embed src="banner.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="965" height="120"></embed>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

This problem really got me curious, besides the fact that I would use a different approach like using SWF object, the whitespace seemed to come out of nowhere.

I fiddled around a bit with firebug and found a way to fix it by just adjusting the styles:

#container { line-height: 0;}
#header, #footer { line-height: 1em;}

However I suspect that if you add a around the object tag it should fix itself.

<object width="965" height="120" align ="middle">

Align the object to the middle. Object placeholder will then be overlapped by the image or Flash content.

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