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to find out the class files associated with html page generated by web server

I have webapplication which is running in my machine(written in java) and i need to find out the class files associated with html page generated by this web server.How to findout this?.


I have had some use of the following snippets when trying to figure out from what parts of a page is built, struts-tiles in particular can be a hassle.

In the web.xml file of your webapp (at the very bottom), add the following:


And in the WEB-INF folder add a file called myurl.jspf with the following content:

String name = this.getClass().getName();
String INF = "INF";
int pos = name.indexOf("INF");
if(pos  > -1){
    name = name.substring(pos + INF.length());
    name = name.replaceAll("\.", "/");
    name = name.replaceAll("\_", ".");

I know this is hack and the page name will not be exactly the printed, but it will give you a hint of where to look.

When you have the page name (part) it is a lot easier to look in configuration files for Spring, Struts or similar frameworks for the class/controller.


If it is only for debugging purposes, put the following in JSP:

<% Thread.dumpStack(); %>

You can find the compiled JSP classes in the /work folder of the appserver in question.

If it is for business purposes, then you really need to elaborate more about the problem / functional requirement for which you think that this is the solution. Then we may come up with -much- better solutions. To the point, you need to pass this information from the business layer to the view layer yourself anyway.

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