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CakePHP and connecting to MS Access db using Unixodbc

I m trying to use an Acces (MDB) database from a CakePHP app. On a Windows machine this works fine. On a Linux machine using Unixodbc this doesn t work at all. The error is as follows:

Warning (2): odbc_connect() [function.odbc-connect]: SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver anager]Data ource name not found, and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect [APP/vendors/adodb/drivers/adodb-odbc.inc.php, line 60]

The CakePHP datasource definition is:

             $default = array(
                             driver  =>  adodb ,
                             connect   =>  access ,
                             host  => "Driver=[MDBODBC]; Dbq=".$filePath.";Uid=Admin;Pwd=;}",
                             login     =>  Admin ,
                             password  =>   ,
                             database  =>   

What s wrong with this configuration?


The host element looks odd in general because of its unmatched closing brace.

How does the line number 60 (from the error message) look in dodb-odbc.inc.php? Which elements of the configuration array does it use for the call to odbc_connect? Compare the call to the examples for the odbc_connect documentation.

Have you tried connecting using odbc_connect directly?

As an aside, my version of cake has an ODBC DBO driver actually within the cake framework, at


It uses odbc_pconnect. There, the $dsn string that is the first argument to odbc_pconnect comes from the database element of the config array, not the host element.

I don t know why you would use a third party solution in


especially since the Date Library in John Lim ADOdb Library for PHP allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information.

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