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PHP SimpleXML XPath contains() to find other elements referenced by this element

I m being given XML in the following format, and am parsing it with PHP s SimpleXML.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I m looping through the Units (Rooms) thus:

// $Accommodation is a SimpleXML Object defined earlier, and able to provide relevant info
<?  foreach ($Accommodation->Units as $Units) {
        foreach ($Units->Unit as $Unit) {
        // (room/unit details echoed out here)
            foreach ($Unit->xpath( //Passenger[contains(PaxAssociated,./PaxNo)] ) as $RoomPax) { ?>
<?= $RoomPax->Title $RoomPax->Surname" ?><br />
<?= "$RoomPax->Title $RoomPax->Surname" ?><br />
<?          }
    } ?>

in an attempt to show the names off the Passengers (Pax) in each room.

But this xpath finds no-one, and the following gets everyone.


What s especially frustrating is that I ve successfully used XPath elsewhere in the same PHP for a very similar purpose, with no problems.

Any help/advice/suggestions will be much appreciated.

Edit: for completeness, and to answer a question from multiple people: The following works elsewhere in the code, (though not 100% correctly given the possible matching on 22 vs 2 .




is: Find any <Passenger> with a child <PaxNo> who s value contains the value of the child <PaxAssociated>. It would only work with such a data structure (which you clearly don t have):

        <PaxNo>1|2</PaxNo>  <!-- note the exchanged value! -->

So this is wrong on multiple accounts. What you mean is probably a dynamic XPath expression, like this:

foreach ($Units->Unit as $Unit) {
  $XPath = "//Passenger[contains( ". $Unit->PaxAssociated . " , PaxNo)]";
  foreach ($Unit->xpath($XPath) as $RoomPax) {
    // ...

This works on first glance, but it is not fail-safe, because "22" contains "2" as well. So doing a contains() alone won t get you anywhere. Correct would be:

$XPath = "//Passenger[contains( |". $Unit->PaxAssociated ."| , concat( | , PaxNo,  | ))]";

This way you check "|22|" against "|2|", which would return false.



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