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Determine thread which holds the lock on file

I know there is no WINAPI which would do it, but if a thread is hung and holds an open handle of file. how do we determine the thread id and Terminate it within our processes.

I m not talking about releasing file locks in other processes but within my own process.

it could also be possible that thread has crashed / terminated without closing the handle.


You cannot determine which thread holds an open handle to a file. Nearly all kernel handles, including file handles, are not associated with a thread but only with a process (mutexes are an exception - they have a concept of an owning thread.)

Suppose I have the following code. Which thread "owns" the file handle?

void FuncCalledOnThread1()
     HANDLE file = CreateFile(...);

     // Hand off to a background thread.
     PostWorkItemToOtherThread(FuncCalledOnThread2, file);

void FuncCalledOnThread2(HANDLE file)

You could attach to the process with the debugger when this happens, pause the program, search for the thread that caused this, and, traversing the stack, find out what it s doing, which code it executes, and which variables are on the stack.

If you used RAII for locking, this should be enough, as the lock must be on the stack.

I haven t seen anything browsing MSDN, although there s certainly something perhaps undocumented out there that can give you the information you need.

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