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What are good techniques for retrieving a list of keywords for the top news stories of the day

I am working on an application where I would like to retrieve a list of the day s top news stories from some source (such as the BBC) and parse these for keywords that I can use against my own tag data. There are obviously lots of webservices and APIs out there - but what would you suggest as good routes to take.

One thing I was considering is periodically downloading the RSS feed of BBC News and parsing the content using the Yahoo term extractor. This seems like a good solution to me, but the term extractor is for non-commercial use only and my application is commercial.

YQL looks promising but I m not sure how easy it will be to condense the data down to keywords.

All suggestions welcome, both for the news source and the keyword/tag extraction, and for both commercial and non-commercial uses.


Building on the suggestion of an answer, here s the YQL for grabbing the keywords from the top UK news stores on the BBC:

select content 
from search.termextract 
where context in (
    select title 
    from rss 
    where url= http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml  

which returns something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query xmlns:yahoo="http://www.yahooapis.com/v1/base.rng" yahoo:count="46" yahoo:created="2009-11-13T11:49:05Z" yahoo:lang="en-US" yahoo:updated="2009-11-13T11:49:05Z" yahoo:uri="http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql?q=select+content+from+search.termextract+where+context+in+%28select+title+from+rss+where+url%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fnewsrss.bbc.co.uk%2Frss%2Fnewsonline_uk_edition%2Ffront_page%2Frss.xml%27+%29">
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">new york</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">bolt gun</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">stalker</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">russia</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">moon</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">hijack</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">yacht</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">balloon</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">parents</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">bruce forsyth</Result>
        <Result xmlns="urn:yahoo:cate">flu</Result>

Ultimately though, I don t think I can use this within a commercial app though due to the restrictions on the term extraction service.


You say YQL looks promising, so I m sure you ve investigated this already. You can use two YQL services together. search.termextract will give you the keywords from the query made with search.news

select * from search.termextract where context in (select abstract from search.news where query="election")

You d have to fiddle around to make the where part of the query specific to latest news.

From here: "The Term Extraction service is limited to 5,000 queries per IP address per day and to noncommercial use. See information on rate limiting."

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