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我如何更新/重载 Chrome延?
原标题:How do I refresh/reload a Chrome Extension?

I m developing an extension in Chrome 4 (currently that will show the user s StackOverflow/SuperUser/ServerFault reputation in the status bar. I ve designed an options page to get the user s profile IDs and I save them to localStorage and read them well in the extension. It all works great.
The problem is I cannot find a (programmatic) way to refresh the extension upon options saving. I tried calling location.reload(); from the extension page itself upon right clicking it - to no avail. I pursued it further and tried looking at what Chrome s chrome://extensions/ page does to reload an extension, and found this code:

 * Handles a  reload  button getting clicked.
function handleReloadExtension(node) {
  // Tell the C++ ExtensionDOMHandler to reload the extension.
  chrome.send( reload , [node.extensionId]);

我将这部法典复制给我的活动的手稿并不有用(而且是,我尝试用实际代码取代<代码>。 请允许我协助我以正确的方式这样做,或向我指出,这种延长是正确的? 一旦完成,我就把延期及其来源放在我的博客上。



您可向安装的用户推广最新信息,见http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/autoupdate.html>rel=“noreferer”>。 用户申请将更新,一旦电离层发生故障或重新启用浏览器。 然而,你无法按方案重载用户的推广。 我认为,这将是一种安全风险。


Now the simplest way to make extension to reload itself is to call chrome.runtime.reload(). This feature doesn t need any permissions in manifest. To reload another extension use chrome.management.setEnabled(). It requires "permissions": [ "management" ] in manifest.




在<代码>后继场.js内,可在https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/storage#event-onChanged” rel=“nofollow”>>chrome.storage.onChanged内查阅储存变化情况,并符合复读逻辑。


// Perform a reload any time the user clicks "Save"
chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(function(changes, namespace) {
    profileId: 0
  }, function(items) {

    // Update status bar text here


您也可通过将<条码>改动/条码>参数考虑在内,重载您的延伸部分<>。 <代码>chrome.runtime.reload(>)可能比较容易,但间接费用较少。

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