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UIPicker to open to a UIView

I have a UIPicker that is holding titles. I would like it to when a row is tapped to open to a .xib view/ UIView and have a small textview in it. Is this possable?? If so please help!!

Thanks in advance for any help..


I m not exactly sure what you re asking, but it is possible.

When a UIPickerView has a row tapped, it tells its delegate via the -pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: method.

So, you ll need to set the picker s delegate. You do this by dragging from the delegate outlet to your controller in Interface Builder, or by setting picker.delegate = someObject in code. setting delegate http://grab.by/zlY

Then, in the delegate:

- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
       inComponent:(NSInteger)component {
    // load xib or whatever you like

Edit with more info:

To load the XIB you will most likely want to use -initWithNibNamed:bundle: on a view controller class. In that delegate function above, the number row is the row which was selected. You can use that row to construct the nib name you want to use.

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