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iPhone custom drawn UITableViewCell , how to load + insert images from the web in a thread?

I ve been drawing custom table cells (using the samples from apple as a base) and have now come to having to do a cell which displays an image from a URL - each cell would have a different image (based on some data it has) but all the cells are the same and so the same reuse id.

What s the correct structure for doing this? Obviously I need to load the image in a new thread. I ve got the following function so far sitting in the cells view class which is run in its own thread:

- (void)loadImage
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    self.img = [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [myProduct objectForKey:@"ImagePath"]]]];
    [self setNeedsDisplay];
    [pool release];

When I call this from the drawRect function itself (which is bad) then it "works", but this obviously gets called every time anything happens (selection etc.). If I put it in the init function of the cells uiview, then it only gets called for the first 8 cells and then they re reused. Other variations ended up making the image not get reset when the cell is reused and so the same 8 images repeat down the table (although the other text updates).

I m not worried about caching for the moment, but are there any samples of how to do this, or can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.


The solution is going to have to be more sophisticated, because by default UITableView recycles cells (when one scrolls off the top it is moved to the bottom and reconfigured with new data). Therefore it s possible that you start downloading an image but the cell s content is changed before the download is complete.

In cellForRowAtIndexPath:, you should get the image from a cache (your myProduct object, an NSArray, whatever). If it s not there, you should check a flag to see if it is already being loaded. If it isn t already being loaded, then you set that flag and detach a new thread (you should look into NSOperation, it will queue up the work and protect you from launching too many threads at once).

In your thread, you should download the image and then use performSelectorOnMainThread:target:waitUntilDone: to call a method on the main thread with the image. That method can update the cache, set the isLoading flag to NO, and update the cell. It s important to do it this way, because Cocoa requires that all your UI update code be on the main thread.

I hope that s a useful outline of what to do.

If you have not seen explicit documentation from Apple to the effect that UIImage is thread-safe I don t think you should be doing that. Instead get your image as NSData and turn it into UIImage in your main thread. The basic rule is that all UIKit work MUST be done in your main thread or behaviour is undefined.

This should answer your query.LazyTableImages

Well, when you dequeue the cell you can force the image loading there. You don t have to do it within the init... typically you do:

cell = dequeueCell...
if (!cell) {
   //create one

return cell;

What you can do is before the return cell, you can force the image loading if it s the type of cell that you want. This way, whenever it displays, you can grab it from your cache (if it exists) and if it doesn t, go to the web for it.

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