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Website surfacing blank pages in IE6

- Since discovering more about my problem I have modified my question

A single user is complaining that (on XP and using IE6) they re not able to follow any links around my site. The behaviour they re seeing is clicking a link shows a blank page, but doesn t change the url in the address bar of the browser. Pressing refresh at this point then displays the page correctly with the correct URL in the address bar.

All anchors are correct, and as well as testing the site in all our favourite browsers I have also tested the site myself on XP using IE6 and have no problems.

Has anyone any thoughts on what could be causing this? Perhaps it could be the fact they re within a company network for example? -- I don t see how that could cause a problem, but I am so far coming up empty.

I m using XHTML & PHP. Headers are being received correctly. I ve also ensured full PHP error reporting is on and there are no errors.


This problem was caused by a combination of the following two factors.

  • Firstly, the user was behind a proxy at their workplace (an ISA server).

  • Secondly, through debugging I found that the following two meta tags in the HTML head were the cause.


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />

Basically IE appears to just give up once it reaches these two lines. Viewing source didn t work so it was not possible to see this directly.

The website worked fine when only either one of the two factors were present, but when combined they caused the problem.

So to solve my problem I removed these two lines. Now the site works fine.


The header should work alone (I see nothing wrong with it).

The JavaScript however is wrong since the HTML comments <!-- and --> aren t valid JavaScript instructions and so all you ll get will be a parse error. You must first comment the comments (like //<!-- and //-->).

I hope that at least fixing the workaround helps!

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