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Load the Default Icon For the Shell

The default icon in Vista is listed under:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Unknown DefaultIcon



I want to load a 48x48 version of that Icon in C++. I have tried:

hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(hmShell32, MAKEINTRESOURCE(0), IMAGE_ICON, 48, 48, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);

However I get back a NULL hIcon and when I call ::GetLastError() it returns: ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND

How do I load the default icon out of Shell32.dll?

Thanks in advance, Wayne Walter Berry



If you only have to support Vista/7 then this should work.

iconInfo.cbSize = sizeof(iconInfo);
    wcex.hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(LoadLibrary(iconInfo.szPath), MAKEINTRESOURCE(-iconInfo.iIcon), IMAGE_ICON, 48, 48, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);


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