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Javascript closure / variable scope question - I know it works, but why?

I ve been developing with JS for a while, and while I know that code below works, I don t really understand why it works.

The way I see it, I ve defined testString in testClosure function, and I m expecting that variable to go away when testClosure function is done, since it s local variable.

However, when I call inner function with a timer, it s still aware of testString variable. Why? Isn t that variable gone five seconds ago when testClosure finished executing? Does the inner function get reference to all variables within testClosure, and they stay valid until all inner functions are done?

function testClosure() {
  var testString =  hai ;

  // after 5 seconds, call function below
  window.setTimeout(function() {

    // check if function knows about testString       

  }, 5000);         


The function special form creates lexical scope. Any object created within that scope will see the environment (the binding of names to values) lexically in scope at the time of its creation.

Indeed, creating a function is the only way to create lexical scope in JavaScript, which is why you see contortions like this all the time:

return (function() {
    var privateVariable =  foo ;
    return {
        myProp: privateVariable

In a word, yes. Spot on.

testString exists within the scope of testClosure, and therefor the testString is a global variable so far as your timer is concerned.

How do JavaScript closures work?

has better answers, as scott mentions.

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