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Cannot use fluent html lambda expressions in Spark view

I m attempting to use fluent html and the spark view engine in my asp.net mvc application. I ve assinged the proper base class, added the assemblies, and when i do this.TextBox("MyProperty") it works fine. However I get the below exception when i attempt to use this.TextBox(m=>m.MyProperty). Any idea what can be causing this?


Dynamic view compilation failed.
c:UsersMidasDocumentsVisual Studio 2008    ProjectsChurchMVCChurchMVCViewsPollNew.spark(6,31): error CS1660: Cannot convert     lambda expression to type  string  because it is not a delegate type
c:UsersMidasDocumentsVisual Studio 2008    ProjectsChurchMVCChurchMVCViewsPollNew.spark(7,28): error CS1660: Cannot convert     lambda expression to type  string  because it is not a delegate type

1 using MvcContrib.FluentHtml;
2 using System;
3 using System.Collections.Generic;
4 using System.Linq;
5 using System.Web.Mvc;
6 using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
7 using Microsoft.Web.Mvc;
8 using MvcContrib.FluentHtml.Elements;
10 namespace ChurchMVC.Controllers
11 {
13 [global::Spark.SparkViewAttribute(
14     TargetNamespace="ChurchMVC.Controllers",
15     Templates = new string[] {
16       "Poll\New.spark",
17       "Layouts\Application.spark",
18       "Layouts\TwoColumn.spark",
19       "Layouts\Base.spark"
20     })]
21 public class View6dda34d85cf14f8d8946e77056f25819 :     Spark.Web.Mvc.SparkView<ChurchMVC.Models.ViewModels.PollViewModel>
22 {
24     public override System.Guid GeneratedViewId
25     { get { return new System.Guid("6dda34d85cf14f8d8946e77056f25819"); } }
27     string BuildArticleBreadcumb(ChurchDAL.Section section)
28 #line 10 "C:UsersMidasDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsChurchMVCChurchMVCViewsShared\_global.spark"
29 {
30 #line hidden
31         using(OutputScope(new System.IO.StringWriter()))
32         {
33 #line default
34 #line 11 "C:UsersMidasDocumentsVisual Studio 2008    ProjectsChurchMVCChurchMVCViewsShared\_global.spark"
35     if (section == null)
36 #line default

If you really assigned the proper base class, then this exception usually means that you have invalid property in your lambda expression. Double-check it. You actually didn t show nor your spark view nor the code. But, as an example, if you have

public string Name { get; set; }

and use

this.Hidden(x => x.Name1)

you ll get this error (followed by another exception).



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