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Groovy - how to exit each loop?

I m new to Grails/Groovy and am trying to find a node in a an xml file; I ve figured out how to iterate over all of them, but I want to exit the loop when the target node is found. I ve read that instead of using "each", use "find", but the find examples I ve seen are conditions. Right now the logic I have is going to iterate through the whole file without exiting. The code is below:

  records.children().each {domain ->
   println "domain_name: " + domain.@domain_name
   if (domain.@domain_name == targetDomain) {
    println "target domain matched: " + domain.@domain_name
    domain.children().each {misc_field ->
     println "field_name: " + misc_field.@field_name
     println "field_type: " + misc_field.@field_type
     println "field_value: " + misc_field

You cannot do it elegantly. You might see some people suggest throwing an Exception, but that s just plain ugly.

Here s some mailing list discussion on using each vs. for, and a couple people say that for is preferred because of each s inability to break from the iteration.

Your best bet is probably to change over to a for loop and iterate:

for(def domain : records.children()) { // this may need some tweaking depending on types
    // do stuff
    if(condition) {

Either that, or like you said, maybe use find or findAll to find the element you re looking for (the following code is paraphrased, I don t have time yet to test it out):

def result = records.children().find { domain -> domain.@domain_name == targetDomain }
result.children().each {
    // print stuff

Related SO questions:


Replace each loop with any or find closure.

def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list.any { element ->
    if (element == 2)
        return // continue

    println element

    if (element == 3)
        true // break



Regarding breaking out of the each loop see: is it possible to break out of a groovy closure

Basically you have to throw and exception and catch it. The "break" keyword is only allowed inside loops not iterated "closures" (really code blocks).

You can use any complex code with "find" just make sure the function you call returns a Boolean. For example:

Boolean test(val) {
    println "Testing $val"
    return val == 1

def found = [3,4,5,1,6,3].find { test(it) }

println "Found $found"

I think this should work too, stopping at the first match.

def result = records.children().find { domain -> 
    if (domain.@domain_name == targetDomain) {
        // Do stuff
        return true
    } else {
        return false

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