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UITableView repeating background with 2 images

So I m trying to make a UITableView that has a repeating background. I want the background to scroll with the text. The catch is that the background is 2 images. There is a top image that is about 550px in height, and then a repeater image that s 2px in height. I want the top image to scroll with the table view and then eventually go off the top and then the segment image just repeats. This view actually sits below a UITableView in a view controller.

Here s my drawrect for the background. I call setNeedsDisplay when ever the tableview on top scrolls.

-(void)drawRect:(CGRect) rect 

    CGRect topRect = CGRectMake(0, _tableViewRect.origin.y, 320, min( max(0, CGImageGetHeight(top) - _tableViewRect.origin.y), _tableViewRect.size.height));
    CGRect segmentRect = CGRectMake(0, topRect.size.height, 320, _tableViewRect.size.height - topRect.size.height);

    if(topRect.size.height > 0)
        CGImageRef newImageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(top, topRect);  
        UIImage *newImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:newImageRef];  
        [newImage drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0,0)];

    [[UIImage imageWithCGImage: segment] drawAsPatternInRect:segmentRect];

It works but it is very chuggy on my 3G. Does anyone have any optimization tips, or another way of doing this?



Don t create a new image each time; cache your UIImage, then use CoreGraphics calls to reposition your CGContextRef to point to the right area, blit the image there, and move on. If you were to profile the code above, I imagine that CGImageCreateWithImageInRect() was taking up the vast majority of your cycles.

You should probably do this using contentOffset, rather than whatever _tableViewRect is. Also, looking at your code, while getting rid of the stuff above will help, I m not sure it ll be enough, since you ll be redrawing a LOT. That said, here s a snippet that may work:

//I m not sure what _tableViewRect is, so let s just assume you ve got
//some variable, tableScrollY, that represents the scroll offset of your table

CGContextRef      context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

if (tableScrollY < top.size.height) {      //okay, we need to draw at least PART of our image
    CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, -tableScrollY, top.size.width, top.size.height), top.CGImage);

This should be a replacement for the middle if(...) portion of your code. This is not tested, so you may need to futz with it a bit.

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