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Embedded jetty ServletTester serving single static file

I m unit testing with jetty and I want to serve not only my servlet under test but a static page as well. The static page is needed by my application. I m initializing jetty like this

tester = new ServletTester();
tester.addServlet(MyServlet.class, "/servlet/*");

What I need now, is something like

tester.addStaticPage("local/path/in/my/workspace", "/as/remote/file");

Is this possible with jetty?


I don t think you can do this with ServletTester. ServletTester creates a single Context for the servlet. You need to set up embedded jetty with at least two contexts: one for the servlet, and one for the static content.

If there was a full WebAppContext, you d be set, but there isn t.

You could make a copy of ServletTester and add hair, or you can just read up on the API and configure the necessary contexts. Here s a code fragment to show you the basic idea, you will not be able to compile this as-is. You will need to create a suitable context for the static content.

        server = new Server();

        int port = Integer.parseInt(portNumber);
        if (connector == null) {
            connector = createConnector(port);

        for (Webapp webapp : webapps) {
            File sourceDirFile = new File(webapp.getWebappSourceDirectory());
            WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext(sourceDirFile.getCanonicalPath(), webapp.getContextPath());
            WebAppClassLoader loader = new WebAppClassLoader(wac);
            if (webapp.getLibDirectory() != null) {
                Resource r = Resource.newResource(webapp.getLibDirectory());
            if (webapp.getClasspathEntries() != null) {
                for (String dir : webapp.getClasspathEntries()) {

Set the resource base to the directory containing your static content, and add the jetty "default servlet" to serve that content. I have added the appropriate code to your example below.

tester = new ServletTester();
tester.addServlet(MyServlet.class, "/servlet/*");
tester.addServlet(org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet.class, "/*");

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