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strange behaviour with json object coming from ajax call in safari/webkit

I m using jquery to make an AJAX POST call to a web service, and getting a JSON object back, which gives me back some html code that i want to append to a div, it works fine in firefox but the problem is that safari doesn t do the appending, here is the example:

    type: "POST",
    url: "ConnMgr.asmx/Request",
    data: JSON.stringify(objectToSend),
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(response){
        $( #myDiv ).empty();
        $("#myDiv").append(response.d.htmlSnippet); //this doesn t work on safari but it does on FF
        //$("#myDiv").append("<img src="image.png"/>")//this works in all browsers
        //alert(response.d);//this works in all browsers

It seems that in safari, jquery doesn t like the idea of using a json object as an argument for append() I ve tried creating a copy of the variable before, inserting a delay, converting the variable to string before passing it, but the results are the same.

Many thanks


did you try response.d.htmlSnippet.ToString()

You mean something like this http://jsbin.com/elapa/ doesn t work for you in safari?

yes i did try using response.d.htmlSnippet.ToString() and it didn t help

finally i did a workaround by composing the htmlsnippet and then taking only one number from the coming JSON object, and this way it worked safari debugging console didn t report any error

Not to be nitpicky, but isn t this block the same as

success: function(response) {
    $( #myDiv ).empty();

    //this doesn t work on safari but it does on FF
    //$("#myDiv").append("<img src="image.png"/>")//this works in all browsers
    //alert(response.d);//this works in all browsers

as this block because you can chain method calls in jQuery?

success: function(response) {
    $( #myDiv ).html(response.d.htmlSnippet);

  1. Can you try doing something like this?

    $( #myDiv ).html(    + response.d.htmlSnippet );

    I don t know if it will work or not...but it s worth a try.

  2. I think your code response.d.htmlSnippet.ToString() might not work.
    It should be a lowercase "toString()".

There is a difference in JSON implementation between FF and others that I spotted once - others don t allow weird charactersto be passed. You would have to use entities. Try seeing for sure what comes back - drop the whole response object to a firebug-alike console and see the content. alerting it might not be enough.

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