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Using Unix Tools to Extract String Values

I wrote a small Perl script to extract all the values from a JSON formatted string for a given key name (shown below). So, if I set a command line switch for the Perl script to id, then it would return 1,2, and stringVal from the JSON example below. This script does the job, but I want to see how others would solve this same problem using other unix style tools such as awk, sed, or perl itself. Thanks

   "key9":"more blah"
   "anotherKey":"even more blah"

Excerpt of perl script that extracts JSON values:

my @values;
while(<STDIN>) {
    s/s+//g; # Remove spaces
    s/"//g; # Remove quotes
    push @values, /$opt_s:([w]+),?/g; # $opt_s is a command line switch for the key to find

print join("


gawk  BEGIN{
 printf "Enter key name: "
 getline key < "-"
  k=$2; getline ; v = $2
  print k,v
}  file


$ ./shell.sh
Enter key name: id
1, blah
2, more blah
stringVal, even more blah

If you just want the id value,

$ key="id"
$ awk -vkey=$key -F":"  $0~key{gsub("42|,","",$2);print $2}  file

I would strongly suggest using the JSON module. It will parse your json input in one function (and back). It also offers an OOP interface.

Here is a very rough Awk script to accomplish the task:

awk -v k=id -F:  /{|}/{next}{gsub(/^ +|,$/,"");gsub(/"/,"");if($1==k)print $2}  data
  • the -F: specifies : as the field separator
  • The -v k=id sets the key you re searching for.
  • lines containing { or } are skipped.
  • the first gsub gets rid of leading whitespace and trailing commas.
  • The second gsub gets rid of double quotes.
  • Finally, if k matches $1, $2 is printed.

data is the file containing your JSON

sed (provided that file is formatted as above, no more than one entry per line):

KEY=id;cat file|sed -n "s/^[[:space:]]*"$KEY":"//p"|sed  s/".*$// 

Why are you parsing the string yourself when there are libraries to do this for you? json.org has JSON parsing and encoding libraries for practically every language you can think of (and probably a few that you haven t). In Perl:

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON qw(from_json to_json);

# enable slurp mode
local $/;

my $string = <DATA>;
my $data = from_json($string);

use Data::Dumper;
print "the data was parsed as: " . Dumper($data);

       "key9":"more blah"
       "anotherKey":"even more blah"

..produces the output (I added a top level array around the data so it would be parsed as one object):

the data was parsed as: $VAR1 = [
             key2  =>  blah ,
             id  =>  1 
             key9  =>  more blah ,
             id  =>  2 
             anotherKey  =>  even more blah ,
             id  =>  stringVal 

If you don t mind seeing the quote and colon characters, I would simply use grep:

grep id file.json

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