English 中文(简体)
AS3 按比例提升外部形象
原标题:AS3 proportionally scaling external image

目前,我正在利用一种 lo机,以动态方式载录XML图像,并将其放入一个grid网。 我有一套安排,所有数据都顺利地装载,但现在我需要将图像的规模提升到小型集装箱电影短片中的100px 100px。 我的法典如下。

  import gs.*;
import gs.easing.*;
var bttnHeight:Number = 20;
var select:Number = 0;

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("testxml.xml"));
var list_mc:Array = new Array();

function showXML(e:Event):void {
 XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
 var nodes:XML = new XML(e.target.data);
 var gallcount = nodes.gallery.length();
 var list_mc = new listitem();

 //Generate menu to select gallery
 function populateMenu():void {
  var spacing:Number = 0;
  for (var i=0; i<gallcount; i++) {
   list_mc[i] = new listitem();
   list_mc[i].name = "li" + i;
   list_mc[i].y = i*bttnHeight;
   list_mc[i].gallname.text = nodes.gallery[i].attributes();
   list_mc[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollover);
   list_mc[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollout);
   list_mc[i].buttonMode = true;
   list_mc[i].mouseChildren = false;
  menu_mc.mask = mask_mc;
 var boundryWidth = mask_mc.width;
 var boundryHeight = mask_mc.height;
 var diff:Number = 0;
 var destY:Number = 0;
 var ratio:Number = 0;
 var buffer:Number = bttnHeight*2;

 function findDest(e:MouseEvent):void {
  if (mouseX>0 && mouseX<(boundryWidth)) {
   if (mouseY >0 && mouseY<(boundryHeight)) {
    ratio = mouseY/boundryHeight;
    diff = menu_mc.height-boundryHeight+buffer;
    destY = Math.floor(-ratio*diff)+buffer/2;
 var tween:Number = 5;
 //This creats the scroll easing
 function moveMenu() {
  if (menu_mc.height>boundryHeight) {
   menu_mc.y += (destY-menu_mc.y)/tween;
   if (menu_mc.y>0) {
    menu_mc.y = 0;
   } else if (menu_mc.y<(boundryHeight-menu_mc.height)) {
    menu_mc.y = boundryHeight-menu_mc.height;

 function rollover(e:Event):void {
  TweenLite.to(e.currentTarget.li_bg, .4, {tint:0x334499});
 function rollout(e:Event):void {
  TweenLite.to(e.currentTarget.li_bg, .4, {removeTint:true});
 stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, findDest);
 stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveMenu);

 select = 0;

 //Generate thumbnails
 function genThumb():void {
  var photos = nodes.gallery[select].photo;
  var thumbframe:Array = new Array();
  var row = 0;
  var column = 0;
  var loaderArray:Array = new Array();
  for (var i=0; i<photos.length(); i++) {
   thumbframe[i] = new Sprite;
   thumbframe[i].y = row;
   thumbframe[i].x = column;
   loaderArray[i] = new Loader();
   loaderArray[i].load(new URLRequest(photos[i].text()));
   var index = i+1;
   if (index%5 == 0) {
    column = 0;
   } else {



装载器和集装箱都位于各自阵列。 图像装载正确无误,但我因如何扩大图像而蒙受损失(最后,我愿意在可能时把双tw与牙齿混为一谈)。



你认为,你需要把你的比照图扩大到100平方米。 你们需要等到装货员完成装货,因为直到那时,你才知道该项目的哪些方面。


loaderArray[i].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);


function onLoadComplete(event:Event):void
    var info:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(event.currentTarget);

    var loader:Loader = info.loader;
    var scaleWidth:Number = 100 / loader.width;
    var scaleHeight:Number = 100 / loader.height;

    if (scaleWidth < scaleHeight)
        loader.scaleX = loader.scaleY = scaleWidth;
        loader.scaleX = loader.scaleY = scaleHeight;



    loader.x = (100 - loader.width) * 0.5;
    loader.y = (100 - loader.height) * 0.5;


    if (scaleWidth > scaleHeight)
        loader.scaleX = loader.scaleY = scaleWidth;
        loader.scaleX = loader.scaleY = scaleHeight;


    var shape:Shape = new Shape();
    var g:Graphics = shape.graphics;
    g.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
    loader.mask = g;

我没有对此进行测试,因此可能有一些 gl,但希望这给你正确的想法。



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