I am using RSpec for writing my controller tests/specs.
I faced the problem, that the following code gets rendered:
render :update do |page|
page[ middle_content ].replace_html :partial => "admin/pages/show"
Isolation mode is the default, isn t it?
How can I fix this or am I doing something wrong?
Here is for example a failing controller spec:
it "should be succesful" do
xhr :delete, :destroy, :page_id => 1, :id => 1
response.should be_success
The error message:
should be succesful
Mock Page_1 received unexpected message :title with (no args)
On line #1 of app/views/admin/pages/_administration.html.erb
The adminitration partial gets rendered in the show partial
Best regards
EDIT: I have posted this issue to the lighthouse account of RSpec.