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red5 server-side sharedObject

I m trying to store all the users inside a sharedObject thats created on the server-side, so all the users get a synchronized list of all the online users.

I think I create the sharedObject correct on the server-side but I cant "find" the sharedObject in the flash application.

Inside the Java Red5 Application class:

ISharedObject userList; 

public boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) 
    if(userList == null)
        createSharedObject(scope, "userList", false);
        userList = getSharedObject(scope, "userList");

    userList.setAttribute( "user", "some name" );

    return true;

The Flash sharedObject looks like this:

private var _userSO:SharedObject;

private function initUserSO() // I call this function when I get a netConnection
    _userSO = SharedObject.getRemote("userList", this.uri, false); 
    _userSO.connect(this); // this = netconnection

private function syncUsers(e:SyncEvent):void
    MonsterDebugger.trace( userManager ,_userSO.data);

But the _userSO doesn t seem to find the sharedObject on the server.


I found out that you could use the below line to execute as3 script instead of storing the data inside a sharedObject:

ServiceUtils.invokeOnAllConnections(room, "my_as3_function", userList);


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