I m trying to map a collection (of type map) using a foreign key and a fixed value as the key/mapping arguments.
I have several tables of product types and a language table which holds stuff like product names and so on.
Now let s say we have an Accessory table which holds (obviously) accessories, then the name of an accesory is stored in the language table with language.id = accessory.id and language.type= accessory . The map-key should be the language.lang field, a language-code string.
Now, no matter what I ve tried, I just can t get the "language.type= accessory " part right, doesn t like multiple key element, which in turn wouldn t allow elements anyways.
I ve also tried it with a composite component as foreignKey, with the constant set by default, but that didn t really work either:
<class name="AccessoryTypes"
<id name="id" column="id" type="java.lang.Long" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="identity"></generator>
<map name="Name" table="ProductCode">
<key column="CompositeId" />
<map-key column="Language" type="string" />
<one-to-many class="ProductCode" />
<class name="Language"
<composite-id name="compositeId" class="languageKey">
<key-property name="Type"></key-property>
<key-property name="Id"></key-property>
<property name="Lang" type="string"></property>
<property name="Value"></property>
of course with the appropriate classes. This approach gives no error, but doesn t fill the HashMap of the Accessory class either...
any help would be appreciated, thanks.
[edit] I now tried it with property-ref as ziodberg suggested, first with a not with like this:
<class name="AccessoryTypes"
<id name="id" column="id" type="java.lang.Long" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="identity"></generator>
<properties name="CompositeId" >
<property name="id" />
<property name="Type" formula=" accessory " />
<map name="Name" table="ProductCode">
<key property-ref="CompositeId" />
<map-key column="Language" type="string" />
<one-to-many class="ProductCode" />
<class name="com.swissclick.wesco.web.model.ProductCode"
<composite-id class="com.swissclick.wesco.web.model.ProductCodeKey" mapped="true">
<key-property name="Type"></key-property>
<key-property name="id"></key-property>
<property name="Language" type="string"></property>
<property name="Value"></property>
but this doesn t work, either, it gives
org.hibernate.MappingException: collection foreign key mapping has wrong number of columns: AccessoryTypes.Name type: component[Id,Type]
which doesn t turn up any helpful information on google.
any ideas?