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US-ASCII encoding with Odd and Even numbers?

I splitted the list of numbers 1-100 to files of 2 bytes. Then, I noticed that each odd number btw 11-99 needs 2 files, ie 4bytes, while each even number btw 11-99 needs 1 file, 2bytes. A file is enough for numbers btw 1-10. You can confirm the finding below.

How can you explain the finding?

What did I do?

  1. save numbers to a file, like in VIM:

    :%!python -c "for i in range(1,100): print i"

    :w! list_0_100

  2. split the file to 2 bytes files with the GNU Split-command in Coreutils:

    $ split -b2 -d list_0_100

Finding: Each odd number btw 11-99 needs only two files, ie 4bytes. In contrast, each even number btw 11-99 needs one file, ie 2bytes:

$ head x*    

==> x07 <==

==> x08 <==

==> x09 <==

==> x10 <==

==> x11 <==


==> x12 <==

==> x13 <==

==> x14 <==

==> x15 <==
==> x16 <==

==> x17 <==

Each number greater than 9 requires three bytes (one byte for each digit, and one more byte for the new line). Writing _ instead of the new line character (for visibility) you have this:


After the split:

10 _1 1_ 12 _1 3_ 14

The even numbers happen to lie in one file, but the odd number get split over two files.



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