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jQuery expander with max-lines property

I really thinks jQuery Expander plugin is great but it can t do satisfy my needs. It cuts text and put a "read more" button after the text which expands the text. But it only cuts when the text length is more than a specified value. But what if the text is:

Some text:

Blah blah

The text use as much space as a text with many characters but the Expander will not cut it off. I want to have a max lines property so I can restrict both on text length and max lines. Any plugin suggestions?


I have constructed this jQuery which is partly taken from fudgey s link. Unfortunately, it uses px instead of em because I need to compare height of the div with .height(). It could also be prettier to make it to a function but it works :)

$(document).ready(function () {
    var maxlines = 12;
    var lineheight = 15; // line height in  px 
    var maxheight = (maxlines * lineheight);
    var allowedExtraLines = 3;
    var showText = "Læs mere...";
    var hideText = "Skjul tekst...";

    $( .Truncate ).each(function () {
        var text = $(this);
        if (text.height() > maxheight + allowedExtraLines * lineheight) {
            text.css({  overflow :  hidden ,  line-height : lineheight +  px ,  height : maxheight +  px  });

            var link = $( <a href="#">  + showText +  </a> );
            link.click(function (event) {

                if (text.css( height ) ==  auto ) {
                    text.css( height , maxheight +  px );
                } else {
                    text.css( height ,  auto );

            var linkDiv = $( <div></div> );



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