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Prebuild Event only on Build Solution/Project not on F5(Debug)

As the tittle says I need a prebuild command CONDITION that executes an exe on build solution/project and passes when i use F5.

I found "$(ConfigurationName)" as a possible solution on some websites but it only works if you change each time the configuration type manually.

Anybody knows the trick??


I think what you actually want is a seperate build configuration or some condition that does not run the events when you are developping/debugging, right? Here are two ways I can think of:

  • create a new configuration, as a copy of the current one, and exclude the build events. It s good practice using property sheets, and if you did so, you will not have to change each configuration manually instead just change the property sheet. Then when developping/debugging, use the new configuration
  • make the buildevents conditional. The condition can be an environment variable, a custom project variable, something you specify in a batch file,... Suppose you use an environment variable named RUN_PREBUILD , then the build event commad line would be, for example: IF "%RUN_PREBUILD%" == "1" (echo not running postbuild) ELSE (/path/to/prebuild.command) Now to make this completely nice, assign two external tools in VS, one that sets the variable to 0 and one that sets it to 1 (use setx to set environment variables). You can now add these commands to the toolbar, so the only thing you need to do is click a button to specify if prebuild should happen or not.

F5 will only build the project if there are any changes in code. So I don t think you can issue a command that will always trigger an prebuild command when using F5.

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