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Building a Com addin for Office 2000 / Office 2007

I am struggling to find a straight forward guide to creating office addins using VSTO and VB.net.

Specifically I would like to know how to be able to create a addin/ dll which can either be referenced from VBA in the form:-

Addin.method(argument) or Addin.property = X

Or which would install its own custom toolbars/ ribbon interface to an aspect of office for example Word.

I ve checked MSDN and in terms of legibility and usability of the explanations I have drawn a blank so far.

I currently have a requirement to create at least one addin for Office 2000 to run and manipluate SQL and then a suite of addins for a customized Office 2007 (Word) set-up.


Got this working :-)

Using a class libary project and ComInterface / ClassInterface.


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