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ImageMagick failing to convert to JPG

We recently installed the latest version of ImageMagick onto our Linux server. I seem to be having issues performing the most basic of tasks.

I am running this command line:

/usr/bin/convert /location/to/source/design.ai /location/to/save/output.jpg

Unfortunatly is saves design.jpg as an illustrator file (if I rename the file to output.ai it opens). Even if I do this:

/usr/bin/convert /location/to/source/design.ai -rotate 90 /location/to/save/design.jpg

It rotates the file and saves again as an illustrator document. This happens with all filetypes (e.g. png, bmp, etc...)

It appears ImageMagick cannot figure out what I want it converted to and just saves as the same file type.

Any ideas on fixing this?




(Yes, McKay is properly right. This question would be better placed at serverfault.)

But I have an idea. By doing convert only one gets a hint at the bottom:

To specify a particular image format, precede the filename
with an image format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or specify the
image type as the filename suffix (i.e. image.ps).

Perhaps convert gets confused by the path given. So you could try this:

convert /location/to/source/design.ai output.jpg


convert /location/to/source/design.ai jpg:/location/to/save/output.jpg


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