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Accessing an iFrame s dom from a Firefox Extension

I ve spent a long time trying different things to get this to work but nothing does and documentation is not helping much.

I m trying to populate a form inside an iframe that I dynamically inject into a page. To inject that iframe I do:

myObject.iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
myObject.iframe.setAttribute("src", data.url);
myObject.window.document.getElementById( publisher ).appendChild(myObject.iframe);
myObject.iframe.addEventListener("load", function(){
}, false);

which works fine and DOES trigger the populate() method. My problem is getting the document or window objects for that iframe. I ve tried all of the following:


but these are all undefined.

I also tried passing the event object to that iframe s load event listener and then doing:


But that didn t work either.

I am reading the following documentation:

But either I m not understanding it or it s just not properly explained.

Can anyone shed some light?



Try myObject.iframe.contentDocument

Something along the lines of this:

// For accessing browser window from sidebar code.
var mainWindow = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)

var gBrowser = mainWindow.gBrowser;

var iframes = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
            for (var i=0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
                var check_elem = iframes[i].contentDocument.getElementById( myid );
                if (check_elem) {

Have you tried using the contentWindow property?

var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;

I m passing in the event object and then event.originalTarget (like you mentioned) and it s working fine. Although I had to set useCapture parameter of addEventListener to true in order to get my event called.

So if I understand correctly you need to access document in populate method...

I would pass event.originalTarget as a parameter to your method or in load event I would set for example myObject.document property and then use it in populate method.

myObject.iframe.addEventListener("load", function(event){
    var doc = event.originalTarget;
}, false);

I almost had the same problem. Using the following code gets me the iframe (Firebug is used for debugging):

iframes = window.content.document.getElementsByTagName( iframe )
for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
  var elmInput = iframes[i];

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