English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why use a pointer to a pointer to the stack when creating a push function?

我正在研究一个相关清单的课本例子,该清单将实施一套分寸。 我不理解为什么要把点子用到点子上,才能推进行动。 见以下例子:

bool push( Element **stack, void *data)
    Element *elem = new Element;
    if(!elem) return false;

    elem->data = data;
    elem->next = *stack;
    *stack = elem;
    return true;

如果任何人能够帮助澄清为什么推进方法的第一参数是点人,我将非常赞赏。 感谢。





在这种情况下,这本身就是一个要点。 因此,这项职能最终要有一个点。



指点人也是具有价值的变量。 这一价值是一位点人的记忆。


//Not a very useful example, but shows what I mean...
void getOffsetBy3Pointer(const char *pInput, char **pOutput)
  *pOutput = pInput + 3;


const char *p = "hi you";
char *pYou;
getOffsetBy3Pointer(p, &pYou);
assert(!stricmp(pYou, "you"));


//Note: This is completely wrong
void BadGetOffsetBy3Pointer(const char *pInput, char *pOutput)
  //*pOutput refers to the first actual char element that pOutput points to.
  pOutput = pInput + 3;
  //pOutput now points to pInput + 3, but the variable we passed in remains distinct.


const char *p = "hi you";
char *pYou = NULL;
BadGetOffsetBy3Pointer(p, pYou);
assert(pYou == NULL);

在BadGetOffsetBy3 Pointer的说明中,我们可以改变一些特性,但我们可以不改变你所说的话。

A stack is basically a linked list of pointers. Each one pointing to the one below it. Because you have a new element and you want that element to come first in your list (hence the term "stack", you have to change what points to the start of your list.

To change the value in the "pointer to the head of the list", you need the Address of that pointer.


    *stack = elem;



A list is nothing but a pointer to an Element. So you may rewrite this to

bool push(List* stack, void* data);


bool push(List stack, void* data);



bool push(Element* &stack, ...)


右翼是最后一点的点子。 为了改变僵局,把一个因素推向前进,必须更新这个要点,以便我们把一个点推到推动功能上。


Data d1, d2;

Stack *s = null; // s := null
push(&s, &d1); // s := {d1}->null
push(&s, &d2); // s:= {d2}->{d1}->null


在 st中,你总是希望保持顶点,而推波功能使保持这一点更为容易。

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