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How to Use OpenOffice.org Spell Checker in My App (VB6)

It is possible to use Microsoft Word to spell chek an arbitrary document.

What I want is to use OpenOffice.org to do the same.

Is it possible? How?


The OpenOffice Developer s Guide is here.

OpenOffice has COM bindings which you can read about here.

The API reference is here

The linguistic2 module is what you interested in and has documentation on the spell checker.

My opinion that it is rather involved to get this going and only of use if you are planning to have OpenOffice as part of your solution. I would look at the various 3rd party offering for VB6 and spell checking.


Its not very likely. OpenOffice is written in Java and you want to use VB6. Unless you can find a Java->VB6 bridge it won t happen very effecently. [relatively (bridges aren t known for their speed)]

Google turns up this article showing how to use the OpenOffice spellchecker from C#.

Disclaimer: I haven t tested this (or actually read the whole article).

You could write a COM-visible C# (or VB.Net) component, and call it from VB6.

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