Since this question was asked, Twitter API has changed in many ways.
Cursor is used to paginate API responses with many results. For example, a single API call to obtain followers will retrieve a maximum of 5000 ids.
If you want to obtain all the followers of a user you will have to make a new API call, but this time you have to indicate the "next_cursor" number that was in your first response.
If it s useful, the following python code will retrieve followers from a given user.
It will retrieve a maximum of pages indicated by a constant.
Be careful not to be banned (i.e.: don t make more than 150 api calls/hour in anonymous calls)
import requests
import json
import sys
screen_name = sys.argv[1]
max_pages = 5
next_cursor = -1
followers_ids = []
for i in range(0,max_pages):
url = % (screen_name, next_cursor)
content = requests.get(url).content
data = json.loads(content)
next_cursor = data[ next_cursor ]
followers_ids.extend(data[ ids ])
print "%s have %s followers!" % (screen_name, str(len(followers_ids)))